Thursday, May 10, 2007

Em Noites de Insónia...

Returning to the Scene of the Crime - At Swim Two Birds

Projecto solo de Roger Quigley, vocalista do duo de Manchester - The Montgolfier Brothers. Obrigatório em noites quentes embora sombrias.

In Bed With Your Best Friend - At Swim Two Birds (Returning to the Scene of the Crime/07)

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Eclectismo Musical: Em Noites de Insónia...

Em Noites de Insónia...

Returning to the Scene of the Crime - At Swim Two Birds

Projecto solo de Roger Quigley, vocalista do duo de Manchester - The Montgolfier Brothers. Obrigatório em noites quentes embora sombrias.

In Bed With Your Best Friend - At Swim Two Birds (Returning to the Scene of the Crime/07)

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